- Updating account password
If you have forgotten your password, and can not sign in to your account, please follow the steps in
this article.
You may find it necessary to change your password and disable automatic logins to your account from time to time. Reason can include a lost phone or tablet, changes in staffing, concerns with remote access, or just to be safe. To change your password just follow these steps.
- Log onto the website.
- Click the Login Information icon, the circle at the bottom of the page above LOG OUT.
Click Password
- Enter in your current password, your new password and confirm your new password.
- For security, change "Disable automatic login from all devices" to 'Yes' and Click UPDATE

- That's it! You have have now updated your password and forced all mobile devices to need to sign back in.
Please Note: It is recommended that your Disable automatic logins anytime your update your password.
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