Please follow the below instructions to make changes to the volume levels of your beeps or panel voice.

1. Piezo Beeps:
- These are the beeps the panel makes for system activity (eg. I opened the front door and my panel beeped. When I arm the panel my alarm beeps until it arms)
~ Can turn these off and on.
2. Panel Voice:
- Announces arming levels (eg. When I push the "Status" button the panel tells me "System OK"
~ Can turn these notifications off and on.
3. Panel Piezo Alarm:
- These are the alarms the panel makes in the event of a fire, a break in, or the like
~ Can turn these off and on
4. Trouble Beeps:
- Determines whether the panel and interior sirens beep every minute when there is a trouble condition. (eg. I have a Low Battery and my panel keeps beeping.)
~ Can turn these off and on.
~ Hitting the "Status" button immediately followed by the "Disarm" button will also silence these beeps for 4 hours.
5. Voice Chime:
- Determines how the panel talks to you. (eg. When I open the front door my panel tells me Front Door Open, it can be changed to beep instead of telling me that.)
~ 1 = Sensor Name
~ 2 = Loud ding-dong bell
~ 3 = Soft ding-dong bell
~ Off = no sound
6. Status Beep Volume:
- Determines the panel piezo volume level for status beeps in the above sections 1, and 4.
~ Volume levels 1-10.
7. HW siren sup.:
- Determines whether the panel monitors the siren's status; whether it is connected or if the wires have been cut. This requires a 4.7 KOhm resistor placed between the 2 wires preferably up the wire a ways.
8. Speaker Volume:
- Sets the volume for the voice communications in the above section 2, and 5.
~ Volume levels 1-8
9. Silent police alarm:
- The "Police Alarm" button on the bottom left corner can be set so that the police are notified but no audible alarm is sent.
~ If it is on a silent alarm is sent; if it is off the police would be notified and the siren would go off as well.
10. Panel Tamper Alarm:
- This determines whether the panel will send an alarm if the cover of the panel is removed.
~ Can be turned off and on