- Pause or resume a video recording rule
Recording rules can be paused to stop recording clips, and resumed to quickly begin to continue recording clips following the rule. This can be performed using the Customer Website or app.

For rules that were paused due to the account reaching its clip upload limit, they will have to be re-enabled. However, this cannot be done until the first day of the following month when the upload monthly limit is reset.
To pause or resume a video recording rule using the Customer Website:
- Log into the Customer Website.
- Click Video.
- Click Recording Rules.
Click the toggle switch for the recording rule you would like to make active/paused.
- If the switch is to the left and grey, the recording rule is paused.
- If the switch is to the right and blue, the recording rule is active.
To pause or resume a video recording rule using the Customer app:
- Log into the Customer app.
- Tap
. - Tap Video.
- Tap
. - Tap Recording Rules.
Tap the toggle switch next to the recording rule you would like to pause or resume.
- If the switch is to the left and white, the recording rule is paused.
- If the switch is to the right and colored in, the recording rule is active.
Note: Only Video Analytics recording rules can be created, edited, and deleted using the app.
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